Friday 20 April 2012

3. the biblical principles of money

1. it gives. Someone must be willing to in planting the seeds that God gave them his or her life. Without responsibility to plant the seed, God does not bless them as widely as it is written in the Bible, that we have to give the first, and so we'll have the other.

If we have an Apple and we like to have more in the future, we need to plant the seeds of apples. The seeds are naturally growing in the country and eventually the tree and apples. But if we're going to eat the whole Apple, including seeds, there is nothing in the future.

2. adoption of the. Take the blessings from the sky is not as easy as we thought. We must have the correct access to the heart. We must understand that wealth and riches come from the two parties, from God, and our own efforts.

If people only depend 100% on God for the blessing they get into wrong thoughts when it's not what they want. They will think that God does not want to have things they want, and they think that God does not like.

On the contrary, people depends 100% on you will be considered if money as the most important thing in the world. Will become an obsessive with money and don't care about other things, in the end, they get frustrated.

3. Management. Skills and knowledge needed to maintain and manage the money we have, is to control the money. Without the proper money management, regardless of how much money we have, we could end up in bankruptcy. The investment is one of the most recommended ways to manage their money.

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